What’s The Sciatica Syndrome?

What is Sciatica, and is it common among older adults? Physical therapist Dr. Nidhi Kumar explores.

Sciatica is a common discomfort felt by many older adults. Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. It is frequently characterized as a burning sensation that runs down the back of one or both legs from the lower back. The discomfort may start in the lower back and spread to the legs or affect any location between the back and the legs.

What Causes Sciatica Pain?

Sciatica pain is caused by irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve, called the Sciatic Nerve, arising from the lower back. The most common cause is a disc bulge or herniation that causes pressure on the nerve root, producing a variety of symptoms like moderate to severe pain in the lower back, buttocks, thighs, and leg. It may also cause numbness, pins, and needles in the buttocks, thighs, and leg, and loss of strength or movement. Sometimes, it may even be associated with bowel and bladder control loss.

Is It Common Among Older Adults?

A study comparing sciatica in young subjects and elderly persons was carried out by Kevyan Mostofi and Morad Peyravi and published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma in July 2019. They analyzed records of patients aged between 35 and 55 (first group) and between 65 and 85 (second group) between December 2009 and November 2018. They found out that In elderly patients, disc herniation from upper levels (L2-L3 and L3-L4) is more common than in younger people. Statistically, more elderly patients needed surgery in comparison with the younger population. 'Sciatica in elderly patients takes a different clinical aspect compared to the younger population. The clinical picture associates pain less severe but more persistent and resistant to treatment. According to the study, it is caused in less than 50% by disc herniation.

Cause of Sciatica Among Elders

As people age, their nerves and muscles slowly begin to degenerate. Over time, this can cause pain and muscle weakness. For seniors who are obese or overweight, the risk of developing sciatica is even higher.

Exercise for Sciatic Pain

Courtesy: Dr. Nidhi Kumar

Is it good to have goals to help older adults stay motivated toward pain reduction methods?

Older adults should not only develop goals for pain reduction but also fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Back pain may be debilitating but is never fatal. Those with existing sciatica issues can start rehabilitation once the acute phase settles down. Management of many risk factors is attainable, e.g., weight reduction, strength training, and mobility workouts, improved bone health, and diabetes management, among others. Remember, health is the only sector that reaps the best results if invested over time.

Cover image courtesy: Pinterest 

About the author

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Dr. Nidhi Kumar

Dr Nidhi Kumar is a physical therapist practising in New Delhi. She has over 14 years of work experience in this field. She is the Head of the Department at Nivaaran Physiotherapy Centre. She is a certified manual therapist (Mulligan concept), dry needling therapist, K-tape taping techniques practitioner and a trainer in the use of Theraband modalities in clinical and sports settings.

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24 Feb, 2023

This was a good read.

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